Nebraska’s Woman Pastry Chef Revolution

Nebraska’s Woman Pastry Chef Revolution

The Beaspora features Dante’s Pastry Chef, Kalle Georgiev Much as I love the local restaurant scene, it hasn’t escaped my attention that — with the exception of Jennifer Coco, Issa Moskowitz (whom I believe is back in Brooklyn most of the time these...

Season’s Eatings: Summer in Omaha

Summertime is here and with it comes a great bounty of fresh, crunchy, sexy ingredients from area producers ranging from asparagus and turnips, beets, chives and gorgeous Midwest tomatoes. With hot days and sunny skies, Chef Strawhecker considers summer his most...

Spring Menu: Sneak Peek

On Saturday, March 25, Dante hosted a handful of Omaha’s top food bloggers and influencers for a Private Tasting of our Italian Spring Menu. Featuring the freshest spring vegetables, meats, and Italian wines, Chef Nick Strawhecker served up a seasonally inspired...

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